Podcast Alert – Financial/Career Podcast You Should Listen to

Brown Ambition
Hi there! Happy almost time to start your workweek again if you work a traditional 9-to-5! I was having brunch with a friend yesterday and part of our relationship revolves around podcasts. As we chatted I mentioned the Brown Ambition podcast and she seemed interested so I figured it would be worthwhile to share. Welcome to the first podcast alert!
Brown Ambition is created and hosted by Mandi Woodruff and Tiffany Aliche, also known as The Budgetnista. Each week the duo delves into questions and issues that revolve around personal finance, careers, and life issues affecting black women. If you have any student loan debt, there are a plethora of episodes that address the topic and where the pair discuss recent new headlines relating to loan forgiveness, interest rates, and paying it down. Not only is it wonderful in itself seeing two successful black women have an open dialogue about personal finances, but it’s also refreshing hearing them keep it real about what’s going on in the black community and their personal lives. It also helps that they’re pretty gosh darn funny too.
This past week I’ve been really focused on getting my finances in order. Although I’ve been listening for a few years now, I’ve only recently found that the advice they give is practical and began implementing it in my own life. Mandi is a writer for Yahoo Finance (although I could be behind and she may have a new position elsewhere) and Tiffany has her own financial education business after spending 10 years as a preschool teacher. Both are married homeowners and believe financial literacy should be disbursed to the masses. Basically, they’re the financially savvy sisters you wish you had before you got into all that credit card debt or realized you weren’t saving a dime for retirement. If anything I mentioned resonates with you or if you’re looking for a good finance podcast on a rainy day, I urge you to give them a listen. You can find them on iTunes here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/brown-ambition/id1039708229. Alternatively, they’re also here on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6MTqso0atoyXPMjyiDgWFT?si=E7NFw7R0RJeXQHZK9Ug35Q. Be on the lookout for the next podcast alert and happy listening!
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