Wearing black and white is timeless and crisp. The only thing to be careful of is spillage I really enjoyed the overall look and idea of this outfit, but there were some things that irked me about the shirt. Also, I forgot to take pictures of my shoes so bear with me, this is a new segment for all of us. I promise I’ll get better, sigh.
![Shirt: Nordstrom [sold out], similar here; Skirt: Abercrombie, similar here, here, and here](https://i0.wp.com/theyoungblackprofessional.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/WorkwearWednesday-4-scaled.webp?resize=1100%2C1467&ssl=1)
Although the slit may be a bit high for some more conservative offices, both of these are great staple pieces to have, a white blouse and black skirt. The shirt, which I thought I was going to love is from Nordstrom, and I bought it during the Anniversary Sale. My issue with this particular blouse is how it drapes and the thinness of the material. I had to finesse the heck out of this to get it to act right, only for it to be see through on the side that folds under the fabric. Now while this may not be a dealbreaker for some, it was frustrating enough to take away some points.

The skirt, however, I love! It’s a soft, ribbed sweater material and it’s got an elastic waistband. Because of the elastic, it’s easier for me to pull the skirt down and wear it a little lower or adjust higher to my liking. I haven’t noticed any pilling yet, but haven’t worn it enough yet to really be able to tell. Who would’ve thought I’d be buying anything in Abercrombie! I thought it was a store for skinny young white girls and women and that nothing would fit me after a bad experience in high school and its branding at the time. After I saw one of their new collections made up of neutrals, I said why not. Well, won’t He do it!

…And this was a lesson that taught me to keep an open mind (hello new skirt), and all that glitters isn’t gold (looking at you blouse).
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